Are you ready to be surrounded by more positive relationships built on authentic, harmonious connection and without the stress and tension?

Then you're ready to break the unintentional barriers that prevent connection and can cause conflict.
And to replace them with habits that improve communication and deepen connection in your most important relationships.
Because the success of your life is all about the quality of your relationships.
Are you ready to be surrounded by relationships built on deep, authentic, harmonious connection?
Then you're ready to learn the science and art of building meaningful relationships with deep connection.
Because the success of your life and career is all about the quality of your relationships.

Have you ever noticed…

That even with people you love to spend time with, a difference in ideas and expectations can lead to difficult communication, frustration, resistance and increased stress…leaving you feeling like you are competing to be heard and one or both of you to try to avoid the other? 

That when you feel tension in your most significant relationships you are distracted all day and night by the conflict, wishing for healthier connection and trying to figure out what to do to avoid the disruptive conflict?

That in some relationships, the harder you try the more frustrated you feel, leaving you longing for less tension and stress?

That you try to do the right things but don’t get the responses you expect, want or need? You’re just left feeling exhausted?

Unfortunately, that is how many relationships are, but…

...that is not how relationships are intended to be.

Your relationships are meant to be a source of inspiration for you to live to your highest potential, enjoy a life and career of constant progress and success, and live a life you absolutely love!


...that the quality of your life equals the quality of your relationships. 
Because your relationships impact your entire life.
And if the relationship is very important to us or critical to our career, life or business success we carry the stress of the tension all day long.

So they are the most crucial skills to develop, but the skills we don’t even bother to take the time to develop. We wing it and hope for the best. And that’s because we’ve been in relationships our entire life. Since birth! We've relied on learning as we grow. We stumble through, trying to figure out how to be in relationship with others as we experience life.

But, our early experiences with relationship skills included learning the skills to try to fit in, to avoid being rejected and to protect our feelings from those who had authority over us. And we learned our skills from how they interacted with us.

Think about that.

Now think about this...


More than just having relationships, what we truly want is to feel authentic connection. And we want to feel ease.
It’s a deeply held desire for every one of us, no exceptions.
And when you feel connection and you are able to make others feel a connection with you, you:
  • Experience improved understanding and communication.
  • Feel less tension and more ease.
  • Experience less stress and more peace and calm.
  • Make it easier for people to like, trust, respect and say “yes” to you.
  • Easily enlist the support and cooperation you need to create the lifestyle you want.
  • Experience increased self-confidence. Your insecurities dissolve and self-doubt dwindles.
  • Feel inspired and free to successfully pursue your dreams.
 Yes, exhale.

Now, stop secretly wishing for others to change. Stop hoping for things to magically get better. Stop wishing for  better interaction and communication  and start creating that for yourself.


You are the creator of your experiences, and you are already empowered transform any relationship into a positive one.
That's what I want and Iā€™m ready to start!
Join hundreds who are already enjoying deeper connection and building stronger, more meaningful relationships after learning


The 5 Essential Laws of Healthy Relationships


LEARN how the most successful people create fulfilling relationships, communicate with authenticity and effectively deal with any conflict that may arise in their most important relationships.
BECAUSE the success of your life and your career is all about the quality of your relationships.


It is incredibly difficult to focus
on the success you work so hard toward, 
if your thoughts are cluttered and
you are preoccupied most of the day with
the emotional stress, strain, struggle and tension
in your relationship.
Yet most of us have never bothered to really learn how to create and maintain well-functioning relationships throughout our lives.
EVERYONE wants peaceful relationships but struggle using the strategies and habits that may have worked earlier in life but that cause tension later in life.
Leaving them feeling loneliness, unseen, not respected, and seeking escape from the emotional pain.


But here's your opportunity to...

Learn the art and science of positive relationships using exercises and tools, strategically presented, to help you to gain a shift in perspective to:

Live and work in harmony despite differences in opinion and ideas. And turn any relationship into a positive connection.

Enjoy positive, strong connection, good communication and deeper conversation.

Eliminate hidden barriers in your thoughts about how to connect with others that unfortunately cause distance in your relationships. 

Deal with tension, conflict, frustration and stress and understand how to take the pain out of any conflict situation.

Enjoy the benefits of cooperative and supportive relationships.

Learn the art and science of creating space for connection because creating space for connection is the only way to have richer, more fulfilling and respectful relationships. Because the success of your life and career is all about the quality of your relationships.


Are you ready to...

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Eliminate the stress and tension from connecting with others.
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Communicate in a way that creates connection, develops trust and conveys understanding.
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Have powerful conversations with anyone, anytime.

It's time for you to:

Be surrounded by relationships built on authentic, harmonious connection.

Take the struggle out of communicating.

Surround yourself with a network of support that inspires you to achieve your biggest life goals.

Learn the science and art of building healthy relationships and break through the unseen barriers that block connection and leave you struggling to create the life you dream about.
The 5 Essential Laws to Build Healthy Relationships will cause a mindset shift to improve your relationships, deepen connection, increase cooperation and help you to connect with others with ease.
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What You Will Gain

• Discover the essential habits to strengthen relationships and what makes them thrive. 

• Learn the barriers to connection and how to eliminate them.

• How you can inspire connection and avoid creating distance. 

• How you can inspire cooperation and avoid tension and conflict before they begin.

• Eliminate the barriers that sabotage connection, cause conflict and derail communication.

• Learn how to create space for connection, engage others and have better and deeper communication.

• Learn how to make others feel validated, seen and understood. If you do this correctly, gaining cooperation is easier.

• Understand how to build trust and cause others to be open to your point of view.

• Develop habits that cause you to be able to connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

• Ask questions that inspire others to share and deepen connection.

• Be a people magnet and surround yourself with inspiring, supportive relationships.

• Transform the quality of your family, personal and professional relationships.

• Learn what you can do to begin to deepen connection immediately.
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What You Will Learn

The science and art of how to develop positive relationships.

How to create space for connection because we all want to feel connection, yet it is the number one thing people say they don’t feel and that they crave.

Relationships are about making people feel seen and validated. It is the most crucial thing in ALL relationships. You'll learn how to do that with ease.

What is required and how to develop authentic connection in your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues or business partners, and practical, proven tools to navigate difficult relationships.

Everything you desire in your life is possible and the path to it all connects through building positive and healthy relationships.

What people are saying...

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It feels so good to stop struggling. The 5 Essential Laws of Healthy Relationships course helped me see so much of why I struggle in a difficult relationship I have. But more importantly, the course showed me how to stop struggling. The insight and short exercises completely shifted my perspective on how to experience healthy relationships with everyone.

– Beth S., Marketing Executive

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It makes you think about all relationships in a different way. I felt a change in the way I thought about some relationships with each module. It’s funny that other people didn’t change, just the way I interacted with them. As a result, I have experienced the job promotion I have wanted, and I’ve even gained cooperation from my husband and teen. I love that there is less tension in our home and more cooperation.

– Paula C., Pharmacist

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This was more than learning how to navigate difficult relationships, it is also a discovery about how to engage in relationships without tension and without expectation. The first module immediately changed my perception about love and relationships. I didn’t realize how I was unintentionally creating tension, when I thought I was just getting things done. The attitudes I thought would cause people to respect me were actually creating a huge barrier. So many lessons

– Jamie D., Financial Analyst

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[It] Changed the way I think about interacting in my relationships. I immediately noticed a change in a very challenging relationship that is important to me. It’s why I got the course. She didn’t change, but my stories about her and my expectations changed. It is a much better relationship now. I review the course almost every month. 

– Michael M, Dallas, TX

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An eye opener. Definitely delivers on how to improve relationships. A must for anyone in any relationship. The 5 Essential Laws of Healthy Relationships is filled with practical information that will raise your ability to connect and lower any barriers. Outstanding! 

– Andrew L, Entrepreneur

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The 5 Essential Laws of Healthy Relationships is a call to action for anyone who wants to have more satisfying and fulfilling relationships. My entire perspective on relationships changed as a result of this course, and I have had so many successes that I attribute to the shift in my mindset and attitude. 

– Mark B., Corporate Attorney

5 Essential Laws of Healthy Relationships


Use the Art and Science of Building Healthy Relationships to Build Positively Successful Relationships


You'll get 5 modules PLUS 5 bonuses. You can't put a value on deeper, richer, more fulfilling relationships, but you must remember it is difficult to be as successful as you deserve to be if your relationships are a distraction.

Find out more about the modules and BONUSES here



Any update to the content of the course will be available to you free. You will be notified using the email you use to make your purchase.

A Personal Note for You from Leanna